2023 / 5月
May / 2023


Sculptor Takaya Mori is exhibiting his work.

彫刻家の森高也さんが作品を展示しています。様々なジャンルの現代美術作家のグループ展です。 最年少は大学生、最年長は91歳、70代80代のアーティストがパワフルに活動しています。

Sculptor Takaya Mori is exhibiting his work. This is a group exhibition of contemporary art artists of various genres. The youngest is a university student, the oldest is 91, and artists in their 70s and 80s are powerfully active.


Nakaomi has been conducting a workshop

Bamboo artist Hajime Nakaomi was featured in a promotional video for JR Kyushu's top-of-the-line train, "Nanatsuboshi".
Since last year, Nakaomi has been conducting a workshop to make bamboo accessories for the passengers of the "Nanatsuboshi Nakaomi has been conducting a workshop to make bamboo accessories for guests on the "Nanatsuboshi" since last year.