森貴也(もり たかや)/彫刻家1981年熊本県玉名市生まれ、大分県竹田市在住。彫刻家。 2005年大分大学大学院教育学研究科教科教育専攻美術教育専修 修了。 2002年に6人で作った作品『夢の跡』が第6回大分アジア彫刻展で優秀賞を受賞。10年後の2012年に、第11回大分アジア彫刻展で 作品『境界』が大分県出身在住作家初の大賞を受賞。 2013年 第25回UBEビエンナーレで作品『境界』が宇部マテリアルズ賞を受賞(現在、作品は大分市美術館の屋外に常設)2017年第72回行動展作品『境界』が行動美術賞(最高賞受賞)。国内外にて個展、展覧会を開催。自身の作品制作の傍ら、子ども達とのワークショップの実施や、大学と連携した空き家の再生などを行う。 パブリックコレクション 8点
A sculpture. Born in Tamana, Kumamoto in 1981. Currently resides in Taketa, Oita. Completed a course in fine art education at the Oita University graduate school. Received an award of excellence at the 6th Grand Asia Engraving exhibition for a piece created with six others entitled Remains of a Dream. Ten years later, he represented Oita at the same exhibition and his piece entitled Border took home the top prize. In 2013, his piece entitled Border won the Ube Materials prize at the 21st UBE Biennale. This piece is currently displayed outdoors at Oita Art Gallery as a permanent exhibit. In 2017, he won the top prize at Kodo 72 for his piece Border. He holds solo exhibitions and participates in other exhibitions in Japan. Besides his creation of art, he has also held workshops for children, collaborated with universities on the restoration of abandoned houses and so forth. He has eight public collections.