前田亮二(まえだ りょうじ)/染色家1974年愛媛県松山市生まれ、大分県竹田市在住。染色家。2001年大分県立芸術文化短期大学美術専攻科(染色) 修了。 2002年~ 新制作展(‘04’06新作家賞、‘09会員推挙) 2006年 第 19 回全国染織作品展(佳賞) 2007年 京展(楠部賞) 染められた薄い生地(シルクオーガンジー)を重ねた奥行きのある作品を展開中。1枚1枚の淡い色彩が重なり合うことにより、深く優しい色彩に変化させ、やわらかな立体感のある作品を生み出している 国内外にて個展、グループ展、ワークショップなど多数開催。 大分県立芸術文化短期大学非常勤講師 新制作協会会員 Japan Textile council 会員
Artist of Dye. Born in Matsuyama, Ehime in 1974. Currently resides in Taketa, Oita. He completed a course in dyeing at oita prefectural college of arts and culture departoment of art in 2001. Won awards in 2004 and 2006 at Shinseisaku for best new work and was nominated to join their board in 2009. Won the top prize at the 19th All Japan Dyeing Exhibition. Won the Kusube prize at the Imperial Exhibition in 2007. Using delicate dyed fabrics such as silk or organdie, he creates pieces with layered depth. Through his technique of one by one layering faintly coloured fabrics, he is able to conjure up pieces with a soft depth and a gentle three dimensionality. He has held several domestic solo and group exhibitions, as well as workshops. He is a part-time lecturer at Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture. He is a member of the Shinseisaku council and a member of the Japan Textile Council.